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Armen Keuchguerian

Artiste, Invité⋅e
Armen Keuchguerian
Armen Keuchguer­ian is a Mon­tre­al-based tex­tile artist with a fierce inter­est for the ancient craft and know-how of our ances­tors. Invest­ed in prin­ci­ples of anti-indus­tri­al­i­ty, he uses his skills and deter­mi­na­tion to revi­tal­ize the metic­u­lous and slow arts of spin­ning, weav­ing, knit­ting and dye­ing fab­rics with what­ev­er can be found in nature. He grav­i­tates towards the metic­u­lous process­es that offer a new tech­ni­cal chal­lenge. It is in great part to his prin­ci­ples and love for colour that he teamed up with Alexan­drine Capol­la Beau­re­gard to found Gaude Et Garance.
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