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Tara McGowan-Ross

Auteur·rice, Invité⋅e
Tara McGowan-Ross
Tara McGowan-Ross is an urban Mi’kmaq mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artist and writer. Her work has appeared in print and online. She is the host of Drawn & Quarterly’s Indige­nous Lit­er­a­tures book club, a crit­ic of inde­pen­dent and exper­i­men­tal the­atre in Mon­tre­al, and the author of the twice-month­ly newslet­ter THE­ATRE OF CRU­EL­TY. Her most recent book, NOTH­ING WILL BE DIF­FER­ENT: A MEM­OIR, is out now with Dun­durn Press’s Rare Machines imprint.
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