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Christopher Neal

Christopher Neal
Christo­pher Neal est jour­nal­iste, ancien com­mu­ni­ca­teur et mem­bre du comité de direc­tion de la Que­bec Writ­ers’ Fed­er­a­tion. Son pre­mier livre, The Rebel Scribe – Car­leton Beals and the Pro­gres­sive Chal­lenge to U.S. Pol­i­cy in Latin Amer­i­ca, sera pub­lié en 2022. // Christo­pher Neal is a jour­nal­ist, for­mer com­mu­ni­ca­tions man­ag­er, and cur­rent board mem­ber of the Que­bec Writ­ers’ Fed­er­a­tion. His first book, The Rebel Scribe – Car­leton Beals and the Pro­gres­sive Chal­lenge to U.S. Pol­i­cy in Latin Amer­i­ca, will be pub­lished in 2022.
Christopher Neal
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